Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rubicon Valley and Christchurch, March 22

We drove south along the coast to Greymouth and then turned inland to cross the Southern Alps at “Arthur’s Pass”, the low point and below the snow line.  It was a long twisty road; lots of up and down grades and the road only wide enough for one vehicle on either side except for rather infrequent passing lanes. It was an interesting but rather uneventful drive. We were above the tree line, not much to see except low growing scrub. 
Arthur's Pass

We eventually arrived in The Rubicon valley and located the horse ranch to begin our rides. It was Brian’s first time on a horse and he did very well. I hadn’t ridden in forty years so he and I were about on par.  Let’s just say that neither of us fell off the horses. It was a walk, not a run, though they did give us the option to do that if we chose, which we both declined. A husband and wife guide team led us along high trails in the Tortesse Basin and through the valley to a lookout point high up in the Waimakarri Gorge. The scenery along the trail was breathtaking. We stopped for pre-arranged tea and scones at the midway point. The hosts had packed everything along in saddlebags.

Tom making a new friend
Tom and his new friend
Brian, Mr. Bo Jangles, Tom and Big Red above the scenic Waimakarri Gorge
Tom giving Big Red, a former race horse, a snack
Tom and Big Red 
Brian and Mr. Bo Jangles

New Zealand echoes a pronounced British influence and it’s evident in their speech and customs. They use the word “Lovely” frequently and we have found ourselves falling into the pattern.  When someone asks a question such as, “Did you enjoy your dinner?” the correct answer is “it was lovely.” (with the  emphasis on the first part of the word LOVEly.) It may require a day or two for us to drop the habit when we get back home. We continued on to Christchurch where we located our next lodgings, went out for dinner and then settled in for the night.


  1. Great pictures again. Ok, New Zealand is on the list again! Lovely!!!!! ;)

  2. Thanks! Have a great time in Turkey. Are you posting pictures?

  3. Melbourne is beautiful & I can see where it would remind you of Chicago Tom. Looks like you guys enjoyed 'horsing around'. Again great scenery pictures. You sit a horse well Brian. Tom, I remember your '40 year ago' ... out of control ...horse ride through Sleepy Hollow, in 1965 (?) ... on a very tired from the weekend lots of riders, out of control horse on Labor Day (?) weekend. On your ride through Sleepy Hollow it jumping the barbecue in the yard of a family with their company. Once you got back by our home the horse, and rider, did a spectacular 8' jump over the wall of the foundation of the then destructed barn foundation still standing behind our home, and then you riding on the tailgate of our station wagon, holding the horse reins, as we drove back to the horse barn on Sleepy Hollow Road a mile south.
